Guide Differences

This section will point out things that were altered in the guide which you should change in your configuration as soon as possible to improve your experience.

Convenient, huh?

Gathering Files


config.plist -> Config.plist


We used to name the configuration file config.plist.


Rename it to Config.plist to match the file naming convention of OpenCore. This is purely cosmetic, and therefore optional.


AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement and SMCAMDProcessor


This kext used to be listed for AMD CPU temperature readings and power management, but was removed from the guide due to it causing major performance and efficiency regressions, especially on laptops!


You should remove both of them, leaving the firmware to do its job. The firmware can do the job on its own better than the kexts anyway.

You can continue receiving temperature readings via SMC using SMCProcessorAMD (notice the different order of AMD).



The USBToolBox kext used to be listed for USB mapping. You would have this kext along with a companion UTBMap.kext (not UTBDefault.kext, that one's an example dummy!) and this would map your USBs.

However, it was observed that for a bunch of people it was causing issues like broken sleep/wake or stalls on boot.


Remove all USBToolBox kexts.

For USB mapping, you can use USBToolBox's tool with "Use Native Classes" enabled in its settings. This will use Apple's native USB map kexts which work much better.

The tool will prompt you for your SMBIOS when building the kext, as that's how Apple's kexts match which USB mapping configuration to use.

You can also use the USBMap tool. This one only works inside macOS itself.

Make sure that you're not using the old map when attempting to generate the new one!

SMCBatteryManager and SMCLightSensor


There used to be no note telling you to not use these kexts on desktops.


If you are using those kexts on a desktop, remove them.



There used to be no note telling you to not use this kext on AMD.


If you are using this kext on an AMD-CPU-based system, remove it.



There used to be no note telling you to not use this kext on a desktop.

There also was no note telling you to use it on a laptop for battery status to work.


If you are using this kext on a desktop, remove it.

If you are not using this kext and are using a laptop, add it (along with SMCBatteryManager).



It was recommended to use this kexts on AMD APUs, but we have now made a new proper TSC sync kext replacing all other TSC sync kexts (even Intel).

This also includes Seey6/CpuTscSync.


Replace all TSC sync kexts with ForgedInvariant.


PatchMerge missing Results/config.plist step


There was a missing step, where you would copy the modified Config.plist from Results/config.plist replacing your old Config.plist.


Rerun the tool, copy the resulting SSDTs into your EFI, and after running PatchMerge, replace your configuration with the newly generated one, as per the current instructions in the guide.